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Artist Hosting Services

Artist Hosting

We, at TwinRayj Studios, are looking for a select number of artists who need an affordable place to host and sell their artistic works.  Do you have a unique art style?  Can't afford or have the know-how to run your own store?  Don't have a way to market your work? Want your art seen by loads of people?  We have a solution!

We are offering 10 artists the opportunity to allow TwinRayj Studios to host their art on our store with several pricing options, starting at $10, billed monthly.  We will host your work, take, process, and manage orders for you, and you will receive all profits on items sold.  We also offer marketing packages, starting at $15 and up to $75, which will have our marketing team promoting your work as well.

Pay month-to-month, or choose one of our grouped packages for added savings!


 3-Month Plan
 6-Month Plan  $50
 12-Month Plan


Art Store information for Contracted Artists

Your art belongs entirely to you.  TwinRayj Studios agrees to host your works, take, place, and manage orders, but fulfillment of said orders is entirely the contracted artist’s responsibility.  The artist will receive the entirety of their commissions earned, minus a 2.9%-3.5% credit card processing fee (dependant on the type of card used-i.e. Mastercard vs. Discover).  Payments will be disbursed on an agreed upon schedule (either per order, at a threshold, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis). This schedule is determined per artist and by the artist.  


Hosting Fees

We offer several options to fit each individuals needs, and these packages are flexible on a month-to-month basis.  The following table details each package:





US $10

Basic monthly package

We will host your product(s) on our store, and update products as needed with new images, variants, etc.

US $15

Featured monthly package

In addition to hosting your products, our graphic designer will create a custom ad, featuring your work that will appear in our store’s carousel for the given month (when space allows).

US $30

Facebook monthly package

In addition to hosting your products, our marketing team will run a facebook ad, featuring your products.

US $50

Social media monthly package

In addition to hosting your products, our marketing team will run one facebook/instagram and one Twitter ad, featuring your products.

US $75

Gold monthly package

In addition to hosting your products, we will also run ads across all of our social media platforms, and one in-game ad in our games, featuring your products

Rules and Regulations

  • The artist agrees to pay at least the basic package fee on a monthly basis, and will be invoiced every month.  

  • The artist may choose to cancel our hosting at any time.  If the month has already been paid for, it is the artist’s decision to allow us to keep hosting their products through the duration of their paid month or have it taken down immediately.  However, the monthly fee is non-refundable.

  • The artist may choose to suspend our hosting during a certain time period (i.e. they are going on vacation), and reinstate when ready.  If this happens, we will mark your products as not visible on our site, but they will still be in our system. If a product sits in this status for 180 or more, it is at our discretion to remove the products from our listings.

  • As a family-friendly site, we ask that any artist hosted on our page only submit products for sale that are of a family-friendly nature (i.e. no pornographic materials, drug paraphernalia, etc).

  • As a game company, it is a conflict of interest for us to host art from other game companies.  Products of this type will be rejected. These are include (but are not limited to) Final Fantasy characters, Pokemon, Mario, etc.  This includes custom requests.

Custom Works

Each artist on our store has the option of offering their talents in fulfilling custom requests.  These works are offered at a price determined by the artist fulfilling the request. Customers will be invoiced that price upon agreement with the artist.

Artist Responsibilities

  • The artist will provide any images for their products

  • Each product must have a distinct product name and/or list of options (i.e. one shirt design with a list of its available colors).

  • Detailed prices for each item.

  • A brief description about each product as well as the name of the artist. This can include, but not limited to, what the product is made from (i.e. 100% cotton), a brief story of the design, back story on the design, etc.  A minimal description of the artist’s name is required.

  • Provide a detailed layout of how the products should be listed.  For example, one shirt design, listed with all available colors/sizes, or each color listed separately.

  • Any additional media the artist would like to accompany their products.  These can include extra images, videos, logos, etc.

  • Provide us inventory status on products (in stock/out of stock/no tracking/made to order/accepting pre orders/accepting backorders, etc.)

  • Keep your account up-to-date with your monthly payment, package tier changes, etc.  (If more than five days past due, any listed products will be set as hidden on the site until account is current).

TwinRayj Studios Hosting Duties

  • We will create a listing on our art store for each of your products (multiple products can be listed as one with variant options, but this is only recommended if they are variants).  The $10 monthly fee is the same for one product or one million products.

  • If a marketing package is chosen in any given month, we will design and run an ad for your products on the chosen platform.

  • We will allow customers to purchase your products from our site, process the payment, forward the order to you, and send any money earned from the sale directly to you.  (We have a 2.9%-3.5% processing fee that is automatically deducted, but we do not take any additional fees out on contracted artist’s sales).

  • All products from contracted artists will be labelled with the artist’s custom brand.  I.E. Anthony Dixon or ABC Studios.

  • We will not deduct taxes from your sales.  At the end of each calendar year, we will provide you with your total gross sales for the previous year for your records.  If needed, these totals can be provided earlier upon request.

This service is offered by application and/or recruitment only.  To apply, please fill out the contact form below. Please include a link to your work for our review. 

What is 6 - 5?
